
Durian Fruit : Smelly but Incredibly Nutritious

     Do you know what Durian is ??  Have you ever seen this fruit ?? Have you ever tasted this ?? If your answer is no then you are going to know about a new fruit that you have never encountered with. What is Durian fruit ? Durian fruit is generally a kind of fruit which is common in southeast asia and is known as king of fruit. It is slightly oval in shape and has a formidable looking spikes which could potentially pierce the skin. The fruit can weigh between two to seven pound. However, its otherworldly appearance is dwarfed by another one of its attributes – the smell. Durians have a strong, rank smell that permeates the outer shell and lingers long after the fruit has been removed. Despite the stench, durian is extremely healthy. Naturally rich in iron, vitamin C, and potassium, durian improves muscle strength, skin health and even lowers blood pressure. Furthermore, one small durian contains 23g of dietary fiber which is nearly equates our daily nutritional req...

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