First air-based meat from elements in the air we breathe


This marks the first time in history air-based meat by transforming elements of the air we breathe into protein.

This will revolutionize how we approach food production in the future. The process to create this new form of protein uses elements found in the air and is combined with water and mineral nutrients. It uses renewable energy and a probiotic production process to convert the elements into a nutrient-rich protein with the same amino acid profile as an animal protein and packed with crucial B vitamins ( deficient in a vegan diet). 

Air proteins are manufactured in a fermentation vessel like other probiotic products. Carbon dioxide is extracted from the air and mixed with water, mineral, and other nutrients in a fermentation vessel with a regular supply of electricity. It causes the natural fermentation process to occur in the presence of microbes which forms a chain of amino acids and other proteins.

Air Protein flour is a complete protein, containing all nine of the essential amino acids necessary for the human diet, with an amino acid profile comparable to animal protein, and double the amount of amino acids compared to protein made from soybeans. 

Vegetarian meat analog processing involves feeding carbon dioxide to microorganism that will process it to make protein . The inspiration came from 1960's NASA discovery " These single cell organisms, specially, called hydrogenotrops , acts like plant in converting carbon dioxide into food ."

This concept was first practiced by Bay-based start-up, named Air Protein (Kiverdi) where they manufacture protein similar to that of soy protein in the laboratory. The manufactured protein was far more concentrated (80% protein) than the protein in soy flour (40%) and can be used in any food product such as pasta, shakes, or fortification in cereal products. 

                                                                                                     By Richika

